Meet Amanda McEwin, Founder, Mum, Coach, Educator.

Let me share my story….

To share a little about me before we kick off our journey together because it is really important for your success that you know and trust me.

I started in property from scratch in 2011 after the arrival of my third child (3 kids in 2.5 years….what was I thinking?!)

I began the typical way…..buying investment properties hoping this would create income and wealth. I worked out pretty quickly that this strategy wasn’t going to get me out of my job anytime soon…….in fact, it was going to tie me into my job for the foreseeable future.

So I dabbled in renovating and flipping units while educating myself about all things property. I made small profits…$21k in 6 weeks, $40k in a couple of months……little lump sums here and there while working and juggling little ones.

Renovations were fun but very hands on and time consuming and not lucrative enough to enable me to hand in my notice!

I then paid a lot of money (over $40k) which I drew down from our home line of credit to pay for to learn all about property development.

That was in 2013. I drew a line in the sand that I wanted to get a 10x return on that investment in 24 months. I did it in 15 months with my first development generating $447k profit.

Another development deal popped up which I ran in parallel, a 3 site which generated $183k profit.

That huge original investment which I felt ill at the time handing over……keeps paying itself off over and over again as what I learnt forms the basis of my business today.

I still remember the day I handed in my notice and I have never looked back. It was such a liberating experience and one I hope you get to experience.

Since then, I have created over $54 million dollars worth of property, built over 89 homes and generated a six figure profit annually and over seven figures in total in less than 8 years.

But what has been so much sweeter than the income, has been the freedom and control over my time. I get to choose how I spend each day.

I now bounce out of bed on Mondays. School holidays are so much fun as I get to spend time with my family doing fun things while keeping the business ticking over.

After school, I get to be uber mum taking my girls to their activities.

Don’t get me wrong, I still work hard and life is still a juggle but it is on my terms. It is a freedom I want you to be able to enjoy.

How would six figure pay days working a few hours a week change YOUR life?

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!